miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Fútbol... and not when they lost to Chile

So the blog temporarily disappeared because of a bout of immaturity and a stupid fight, but I got over it and am bringing it back now.

On Saturday, I went to see the Argentine national team play Uruguay. A very fun experience overall, except some douchebag decided to sit in our seats and refused to give them up when we showed up. Apparently this is pretty common in Argentina. Everyone sitting around our seats just said it's what happens and the usher wouldn't do anything. So in the end we got stuck in the obstructed view seats because they were the only seats left in our section.

The game overall was very enjoyable, though. Argentina scored two early goals and then managed to hold them off through the rest of the game as things got really chippy. Surprisingly though, I think that atmosphere was better at the game in Costa Rica. It might have been because we were at the edge of one of the sections of the stadium and kind of isolated, but even as the game got pretty violent toward the end, people didn't really get terribly excited. I never would have been able to tell if was a World Cup Qualifying match if I hadn't know before. Anyway though, I got some pictures of the game. The first picture is of a free kick early in the game that led indirectly to the first goal. The second picture is the celebration of the second goal that Messi scored (he's the guy getting hugged on the left in white shorts). The third picture is a funny bounce that almost got by the Uruguayan keeper that I just happened to catch.

* * * *

In other life news, I finished my last (hopefully) midterm today, and surprisingly, already have found out that I passed. If I didn't fail my Organismos Internacionales parcial I will be done for a while and will not have to deal with a major exam again until late November, and I will be able to decide whether to write a práctico or take the final for geography. It's nice to finally have the stress of all of those exams gone. I rarely get stressed at all for tests in the US, but here you rarely know the format going in and with the language difference retaining information is much more difficult. I just have to make sure that I don't let myself fall behind in the readings again like I did before so I don't spend the days before the tests trying to make up reading rather than actually studying.

It seems really crazy to think that I'm so close to being done here that I am already planning for when I'm back, but I am. On Friday I made my schedule and applied for an internship at the OAS for next semester, and soon I will have to apply for summer internships too. At the same time though, I still have almost two months left here. It's weird how that is such a large amount and short amount of time all at once. Two months is more time than I spent in Costa Rica, and that felt like an enternity, yet two months is also only 8 weeks. When I think about things I miss about the United States (peanut butter, American milk) two months feels like a really long time, but when I think about how quickly weeks pass here (and apart from last week, the usually do), it feels like almost no time at all. I still have so much I should do while I'm here and I am realizing that I don't have as much time to do it all as I'd thought. I need to stop wasting my weekends way in bed. I can't remember the last time I woke up before noon on a weekend and I hate that. I want to go explore parks and take pictures, but I don't ever give myself the time.

If you click on the pictures you can see them in their full size.

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